• How To Hike With Your Dog

    How To Hike With Your Dog

    Have you just acquired a small, fuzzy, noisy distributor of feces and chaos commonly referred to as a puppy? Fancy knowing how to hike with your dog? Or taking them out for some longer walks? If you’ve answered either of those questions with ‘yes’, this blog is for you. Below are some of our best…

  • Why You Should Use Walking Poles

    Why You Should Use Walking Poles

    The reason why you should use walking poles has become much more popular, and acceptable, in recent years. It will provide huge benefits if they fit you properly and you understand the techniques required. Here are some useful tips and advice on how to get the most out of your poles so you can enjoy your…

  • Why Use Technical Socks?

    Why Use Technical Socks?

    Your feet are sweaty. Very sweaty. In fact, there are roughly 250,000 sweat glands in them, producing around half a pint of sweat on an average day. Luckily, during normal activity levels, most of that moisture evaporates as part of your body’s natural cooling system. However, when you’re out hiking, the amount of sweat produced…